Road Trip to Tofino
Beautiful sundogs can bring me down! By the time we left for Tofino, it was just starting to rain, so Mimi was right – sundogs are a sign that the weather will be changing.
It was my first time setting up a campsite, so I had no idea what I needed to do. Thankfully, Eric and Mimi knew how to do this, so although, they made us do it, they were very helpful, especially Eric, because Mimi was taking lots of videos and pictures of us, so we would have them for our memories. Thanks Mimi.
It was colder than Victoria and we hadn’t enough clothes to wear. But again, Mimi was so nice and had brought a ton of extra clothes of hers and Eric’s and she lent it to us, so that we would be warm. Thank you, Eric and Mimi, for lending us your warm clothes. They helped out a lot and made our camping experience so much more enjoyable.

Also, our campsite was very unique, because Eric had brought along a huge sheet of plastic and wooden poles. He taught us how to put the sheet of plastic over our tents and the eating area, so that we could stay dry. It was a great idea for two reasons – first it kept us dry and it also kept the light out so it was easier for us to sleep. The sun was rising at about 4:30 in the morning and it wasn’t dark until about 10:30 pm. I learned a lot from camping and I would recommend it to everyone. I felt so much more independent, secure, and grown-up after camping. It made me feel like I could look after myself. Thank you for this incredible experience! I will never forget it!

It took us six hours by car to get to Tofino and the rains seemed to get heavier the closer we got to Tofino. The first thing we needed to do was set up our campsite, and luckily, although the ground was wet, the rains had stopped by the time we had to set up our campsite.
We broke into two groups to set up our tents. We had a race to see who could do it the fastest. It actually didn’t take as long as I thought it would to set up our campsite and get a fire going. We were starved and really wanted dinner. Luckily, Mimi always thinks ahead, so in the morning, she had us make a big potato salad that we could have with our wiener roast. So, once the fire had burned down a bit, we could quickly eat and have a tasty campfire meal.
It was my first time setting up a campsite, so I had no idea what I needed to do. Thankfully, Eric and Mimi knew how to do this, so although, they made us do it, they were very helpful, especially Eric, because Mimi was taking lots of videos and pictures of us, so we would have them for our memories. Thanks Mimi.
It was colder than Victoria and we hadn’t enough clothes to wear. But again, Mimi was so nice and had brought a ton of extra clothes of hers and Eric’s and she lent it to us, so that we would be warm. Thank you, Eric and Mimi, for lending us your warm clothes. They helped out a lot and made our camping experience so much more enjoyable.

Also, our campsite was very unique, because Eric had brought along a huge sheet of plastic and wooden poles. He taught us how to put the sheet of plastic over our tents and the eating area, so that we could stay dry. It was a great idea for two reasons – first it kept us dry and it also kept the light out so it was easier for us to sleep. The sun was rising at about 4:30 in the morning and it wasn’t dark until about 10:30 pm. I learned a lot from camping and I would recommend it to everyone. I felt so much more independent, secure, and grown-up after camping. It made me feel like I could look after myself. Thank you for this incredible experience! I will never forget it!

It took us six hours by car to get to Tofino and the rains seemed to get heavier the closer we got to Tofino. The first thing we needed to do was set up our campsite, and luckily, although the ground was wet, the rains had stopped by the time we had to set up our campsite.
We broke into two groups to set up our tents. We had a race to see who could do it the fastest. It actually didn’t take as long as I thought it would to set up our campsite and get a fire going. We were starved and really wanted dinner. Luckily, Mimi always thinks ahead, so in the morning, she had us make a big potato salad that we could have with our wiener roast. So, once the fire had burned down a bit, we could quickly eat and have a tasty campfire meal.
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